In order to children's education, sell the first-tier city school district house, the whole family immigrated to Canberra, Australia, Bao container moving abroad! Shenzhen's Ms Zhao has a primary school daughter, in order to avoid the domestic education of the involution, and her husband discussed the decision to sell the house, the whole family immigrated to Canberra, Australia, introduced by the parents of her daughter's classmates, to find the Xipu International Moving, will be some of the customary items of furniture, direct shipping to Canberra, the masters came early in the morning to Ms Zhao's home with the packing materials.
The first out of the dish, shipping fragile dish packaging on a shock-absorbing main, with cotton white paper inside and outside the package of five layers, and then wrapped the dish, loaded into a customised special cardboard box, want to bump and scrape the door have not, retro delicate ornaments, two a group, Pearl Cotton + Cotton white paper, wrapped in a tight fit, safe arrival in Australia is not a problem.
Want children to learn well, sleep quality can not be less, sleeping habits of the mattress, set of professional moisture-proof bag directly away. Bedside cabinets four square is better to pack, directly with pearl cotton to the bedside cabinets, wearing a cotton white coat, and then on the thickened cardboard, shock absorption and anti-scratch step by step, shipping to Canberra proper! Packaging master hands and feet numb, will not be packed, when leaving also do not forget to clean up the packaging rubbish to take away.
Packed items, directly to the warehouse, Ms Zhao has booked the cabin, and so on the schedule, you can directly shipping to Ms Zhao's new home in Australia.