Neptune International Movers (NIM) is committed to provide professional one-stop door-to-door international relocating services from China to Indonesia, as well as from Indonesia to China.
Headquartered in Shanghai, China, Neptune Movers has long-term and deep cooperative relations with a number of high-quality partners in Indonesia, covering major cities (ports) in Indonesia.
There are self-operated warehouses totaling more than 10,000 ㎡ in Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in China, providing necessary hardware conditions for receiving, inventorying, warehousing, packaging and distribution of items; At the same time, Neptune Movers has an experienced team of more than 100 people for packaging and transportation within China. The business consultant team with an average of more than 10 years of experience which could provide professional consulting and program planning between Indonesia and China.
Services of Indonesia
Solutions: International Moving(Relocation), Import & Export Trade Agency, Intl. Exhibition Logistics, Intl. Bulk & Bulky Cargo Transportation, Cross-border E-commerce Logistics between Indonesia and China.
Services: Warehousing, Customs Clearance, Packing & Loading in Indonesia & China, Door-Door, Insurance
Seaports of Indonesia
Port Code | Seaport Name | Route |
IDAMI | AMBON ISLAND | Southeast Asia |
IDAMP | AMPENAN | Southeast Asia |
IDBAL | BALIKPAPAN | Southeast Asia |
IDBAN | BANJARMASIN | Southeast Asia |
IDBAT | BATAM | Southeast Asia |
IDBGI | BANYUWANGI | Southeast Asia |
IDBIT | BITUNG | Southeast Asia |
IDBLN | BELAWAN | Southeast Asia |
IDBLS | BENGKALIS | Southeast Asia |
IDBLU | BENGKULU | Southeast Asia |
IDBMA | BIMA | Southeast Asia |
IDBNA | BENOA | Southeast Asia |
IDBSA | BAGAN SI API API | Southeast Asia |
IDBUL | BULELENG | Southeast Asia |
IDCIG | CIGADING | Southeast Asia |
IDCIL | CILACAP | Southeast Asia |
IDCIR | CIREBON | Southeast Asia |
IDCTT | CINTA TERMINAL | Southeast Asia |
IDDAB | DABO | Southeast Asia |
IDDMI | DUMAI | Southeast Asia |
IDDON | DONGGALA | Southeast Asia |
IDFAK | FAK FAK | Southeast Asia |
IDGOR | GORONTALO | Southeast Asia |
IDGRE | GRESIK | Southeast Asia |
IDGSI | GUNUNG SITOLI | Southeast Asia |
IDJAK | JAKARTA UTC1 | Southeast Asia |
IDJAY | JAYAPURA | Southeast Asia |
IDJBI | JAMBI | Southeast Asia |
IDKAL | KALIANGET | Southeast Asia |
IDKAS | KASIM | Southeast Asia |
IDKEN | KENDARI | Southeast Asia |
IDKET | KETAPANG | Southeast Asia |
IDKKS | KUALA KAPUAS | Southeast Asia |
IDKRU | KRU | Southeast Asia |
IDKTB | KOTA BARU | Southeast Asia |
IDKUM | KUMAI | Southeast Asia |
IDKUP | KUPANG | Southeast Asia |
IDMAC | MACASSAR | Southeast Asia |
IDMAK | MAKASSAR | Southeast Asia |
IDMAL | MALILI | Southeast Asia |
IDMAN | MANOKWARI | Southeast Asia |
IDMED | MEDAN | Southeast Asia |
IDMEN | MENADO | Southeast Asia |
IDMER | MERAUKE | Southeast Asia |
IDMEU | MEULABOH | Southeast Asia |
IDMJU | MAMUJU | Southeast Asia |
IDMRK | MERAK | Southeast Asia |
IDMUN | MUNTOK | Southeast Asia |
IDPAD | PADANG | Southeast Asia |
IDPAK | PAKANBARU | Southeast Asia |
IDPAL | PALU | Southeast Asia |
IDPAM | PAMANUKAN | Southeast Asia |
IDPAN | PANARUKAN | Southeast Asia |
IDPAR | PAREPARE | Southeast Asia |
IDPAS | PASARUAN | Southeast Asia |
IDPBM | PANGKAL BALAM | Southeast Asia |
IDPEK | PEKALONGAN | Southeast Asia |
IDPEM | PEMANGKAT | Southeast Asia |
IDPJG | PANJANG | Southeast Asia |
IDPLO | PALOPO | Southeast Asia |
IDPNK | PONTIANAK | Southeast Asia |
IDPOM | POMALAA | Southeast Asia |
IDPOS | POSO | Southeast Asia |
IDPPG | PANGKAL PINANG | Southeast Asia |
IDPRO | PROBOLINGGO | Southeast Asia |
IDPSA | PULAU SAMBU | Southeast Asia |
IDPSU | PANGKALAN SUSU | Southeast Asia |
IDSAB | SABANG | Southeast Asia |
IDSAL | SALAWATI | Southeast Asia |
IDSAM | SAMARINDA | Southeast Asia |
IDSAN | SANKULIRANG | Southeast Asia |
IDSBS | SAMBAS | Southeast Asia |
IDSEM | SEMARANG | Southeast Asia |
IDSGE | SUNGEI GERONG | Southeast Asia |
IDSIB | SIBOLGA | Southeast Asia |
IDSKO | SUNGEI KOLAK | Southeast Asia |
IDSOR | SORONG | Southeast Asia |
IDSPA | SUNGEI PAKNING | Southeast Asia |
IDSPT | SAMPIT | Southeast Asia |
IDSTT | SANTAN TERMINAL | Southeast Asia |
IDSUR | SURABAYA | Southeast Asia |
IDTAI | TARAKAN ISLAND | Southeast Asia |
IDTBN | TUBAN | Southeast Asia |
IDTEG | TEGAL | Southeast Asia |
IDTEI | TERNATE ISLAND | Southeast Asia |
IDTEL | TELUKBETUNG | Southeast Asia |
IDTEM | TEMBILAHAN | Southeast Asia |
IDTOB | TOBOALI | Southeast Asia |
IDTOL | TOLI TOLI | Southeast Asia |
IDTPA | TANJUNG PANDAN | Southeast Asia |
IDTPI | TANJUNG PNANG | Southeast Asia |
IDTPR | TANJUNG PRIOK | Southeast Asia |
IDTRE | TANJUNG REDEB | Southeast Asia |
IDTSO | TANJUNG SOFA | Southeast Asia |
IDTUB | TANJUNG UBAN | Southeast Asia |
IDUJG | UJG PANDANG | Southeast Asia |
Airports of Indonesia
IATA | Airport Name | City |
BTH | Hang Nadim | Batam |
BTJ | Sultan Iskandar Muda | Banda Aceh |
MDC | Sam Ratulangi | Manado |
MES | Polonia | Medan |
DJJ | Sentani | Jayapura |
TJQ | H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin | Tanjung Pandan |
BDO | Husein Sastranegara | Bandung |
BDJ | Syamsudin Noor | Banjarmasin |
KDI | Halu Oleo | Kendari |
MLG | Abdul Rachman Saleh | Malang |
TKG | Radin Inten II | Bandar Lampung |
TIM | Moses Kilangin | Tembagapura |
BIK | Frans Kaisiepo | Biak |
DJB | Sultan Thaha | Jambi |
KOE | El Tari | Kupang |
TTE | Sultan Babullah | Ternate |
BKS | Fatmawati Soekarno | Bengkulu |
TRK | Juwata | Tarakan |
AMQ | Pattimura | Ambon |
AMI | Selaparang | Mataram |
BPN | Sepingan | Balikpapan |
DPS | Ngurah Rai | Denpasar-Bali |
PGK | Depati Amir | Pangkalpinang |
JOG | Adisutjipto | Yogyakarta |
SUB | Juanda | Surabaya |
PKU | Sultan Syarif Kasim II | Pekanbaru |
PKY | Tjilik Riwut | Palangkaraya |
JKT | All stopovers | Jakarta |
PLM | S.M. Badaruddin II | Palembang |
PLW | Mutiara | Palu |
PDG | Minangkabau | Padang |
CGK | Soekarno Hatta Intl | Jakarta |
GTO | Djalaluddin | Gorontalo |
LOP | Lombok International | Praya |
PNK | Supadio | Pontianak |
UPG | Sultan Hasanuddin | Makassar |
SRG | Ahmad Yanii | Semarang |
LUV | Dumatubun | Langgur |
SOC | Adi Sumarmo | Surakarta |